The repair of early trauma

Did you know that when we say a child has an attachment disorde, it is often not the whole picture?It is only one part of a seven-piece jigsaw puzzle called ‘developmental trauma.
By putting together the puzzle, we can understand how a child’s adverse childhood experience shave shaped their emotional world and outward behaviour.
Once we understand this, we can then work with a child to help them with their developmental traumausing an innovative therapeutic approach called the ‘Neuro Sequential Model of Therapeutics’. This model recovers and repairs each part of a child’s brain in a specific, phased and effective order. We need to ensure that the child’s different environments work together using this model as a whole; including home school, therapy and even the GP – to ensure the child’s best chances for recovering from their trauma and loss. Developmental trauma can be repaired–if we get the order and type of support just right.