Look to the Future – Victims of Sexual Trauma

This guide provides information for people during covid-19. Look to the future, don’t think you’re alone and have to suffer in silence. Talk to someone, don’t be afraid to ask for support.
- Be Innovative -explore new ideas; hobbies, studying, gardening. painting and the new you
- Be forward thinking – plan something exciting to do when the lockdown is lifted. Don’t look back as we can’t change the past
- Expectations – remember it will not last forever. It’s ok to have our dreams for the future
- Personal Time – you’re important; when was the last time you did something for you that you wanted to do and did not have to do? Be kind to yourself
- Take control – don’t dwell on negativity and let it drag you down, remember none of this is your fault, you are a survivor.
Nexus NI and Covid-19
Due to the unprecedented situation that we are finding ourselves in, Nexus NI has continued to offer counselling support to clients but now through phone or video-based counselling.
Nexus NI is a charity, which has provided counselling to victims of sexual trauma for over
30 years. Usually counselling sessions are held in person through our offices or outreach sites
This has been a challenging time for Nexus NI as we moved from proving face-to-face counselling to offering telephone counselling. Due to our counsellors’ dedication, Nexus have been able to continue to support our vulnerable clients, in a time when they really need us the most. Our physical doors may closed but we remain dedicated to providing the best service we can.
T: 028 9032 6803 E: info@nexusni.org W: nexusni.org
Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline
The current lockdown, which has been enforced to stop the spread of coronavirus has led to fears that this will lead to an escalation of abuse and violence against men, women and children. The nature of the lockdown as a result of the pandemic provides an environment that is known to exacerbate domestic and sexual abuse.
We want to reassure everyone that the Freephone Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline, managed by Nexus NI, is still operating 24/7 and can provide confidential support to anyone who needs it by our fully trained and experienced operators.
T: 0808 802 1414 W: dsahelpline.org E: help@dsahelpline.org