Anatomy of Activation and Affect with Tony Buckley from Sensorimotor

Emotional, physiological, behavioural, and cognitive systems naturally interweave through multi-modal and distributed neural networks.Â
The challenge in treatment is that these networks may become encoded as embodied looping patterns. These are replayed activations in response to stimulus, reminiscent of either traumatic experience or developmental attachment adaptations, which very often combine. The client may present experience seemingly as one territory when it is not necessarily so. Distinctions are important here, for example, it can be counter-productive to process emotions of grief when the need is to process bodily activations for closure of trauma.
Through a sensorimotor lens, this webinar aims to illuminate important contributing elements of these perceptually entwined patterns to give better therapist clarity and insight into their origin and functions. Uncoupling trauma from developmental patterns prevents looping by distinguishing and separating these two converging networks, thus enabling the practitioner better precision for more refined, choiceful interventions including where, when, or even whether to intervene at all. The clarity gained leads to more specifically tailored psychoeducation and integration activities.