June 17 & 18 2024
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast
Are you interested in sharing your current research to globally based organisations and individuals who pioneer in the field of trauma at our hybrid event in 2024?
Poster sites are research documents that create a platform to showcase and pursue new findings provided by those at the heart of trauma research.Â
Posters are on display at the conference venue and accessible to all delegates for viewing.
What's included:  £185 PLUS VAT 
- One hard copy of PDF poster site / research document (600mm x 800mm, approx. A1 size) 
- Clearly displayed in areas of heavy footfall of over 1500+ delegates 
- Contact information prominently displayed on poster site 
- Printing, delivery, setup and display of your research 
- Poster displayed on Trauma Summit website for 6 months post event
- Poster site emailed to all delegates post event
*10% discount offered to Exhibitors and Associate Partners
For more information on remaining poster site/research document opportunities contact claire@actiontrauma.com or click the button below