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Creating a Trauma Informed Workplace

6th December 2023 10am - 11am (GMT)


This webinar will give attendees a better understanding of why and how to become a trauma informed organisation, along with challenges, practical tips, and theories.  Nicola Cunnington, UK Trauma Responsive Organisation Programme Manager, Barnardo’s  Dr Matt Price, Strategic Lead for Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy at Barnardo’s

Who Should Attend?​

•Anyone who wants to broaden their understanding of Trauma Informed Practice and promote mental well-being in the workplace  •Business Leaders  •Mangers  •HR Professionals  •Teachers  •Pastoral Care Workers  •Members of the Clergy 

Benefits Of Attending

•Gain a broader understanding of the trauma informed process by hearing about the current progress of a trauma informed journey   •Explore a wider awareness of trauma.  Provide knowledge for staff and communities to look after their own emotional wellbeing and mental health  •Improve knowledge of the elements of a trauma informed approach and how to make changes without getting overwhelmed by the scale of the journey   •Develop confidence in beginning or continuing the journey, including difficult and sensitive conversations

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