Youth Wellbeing Executive Summary

The planning and commissioning of health and social care services should always proceed on the basis of the best available evidence. There are many forms of relevant evidence but an accurate assessment of the scale and nature of mental health problems in the community is key.
The Youth Wellbeing NI Survey provides, for the first time in Northern Ireland, estimates of rates of a range of mental health problems based on a representative sample of children and young people and their parents. Uniquely, it also reports on the first ever prevalence estimates of both post-traumatic stress disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder, as well the prevalence of psychotic like experiences, using a general population sample of children and young people. It will enable in-depth explorations of some of the wider, complex and emerging issues relevant to the mental health of children and young people both in Northern Ireland and internationally. These findings will aid policy makers, service delivery organisations and practitioners in all sectors in the years to come.