20 Ways to Break Free From Trauma: From Brain Hijacking to Post-Traumatic Growth

In this presentation we will hear from Philippa Smethurst about her new book ‘20 Ways to Break Free from Trauma’, Foreward by Sir Terry Waite. Published by Jessica Kingsley Publications November 2024
Trauma is a wound – one that we often hide from ourselves and others.
The subject has been a long-held fascination of mine. I began writing this book on trauma during the pandemic lockdown when many people were questioning their lives and making changes. Many others were overwhelmed. To me at that time, unpacking trauma seemed like an appropriate response to a challenge that faced our world.
How do we respond when life feels unbearable? How might we understand our own and others’ sometimes complex responses when life is too much?
The book takes us on a 20 – point tour of trauma on body and mind, examining the particular ways that trauma manifests, from fight, flight, freeze, submit, to dissociation, anger, brain hijacking and trust issues. It captures the link between the behaviours we see and the deep-seated trauma many have faced. I believe that understanding complex responses can be empowering and breaking a complex subject down into manageable portions can be relieving.
Drawing on the latest brain – and body-based research, the book is full of practical resources to assist. I use stories, poetry and reflective exercises to enable someone struggling with trauma or supporting someone else to move through trauma towards growth and resilience. I will share some of these resources in the presentation.