It is difficult to condense three days of amazing learning into one short paragraph. But what we can do is say thank you. Thank you sincerely from the bottom of our hearts for your active participation, for listening and learning, and for giving us such great feedback when it was all over.
The Action Trauma team spent three amazing days at Titanic Belfast working to make the conference u2018come aliveu2019 for all the delegates and contribute to the spread of knowledge about healing trauma. We took over the entire fifth floor in the centre to do so.
With delegates attending from more than 60 different countries, Nualau2019s u2018Belfastu2019 humour travelled the world and delegates enjoyed the lively and entertaining u2018banteru2019 from her birdu2019s eye view over the slipway and birthplace of the Titanic.
The three days passed off in a blur of lights u2013 cameras u2013 action, of wonderful speakers, of Questions and Answers, of standing on the replica Titanic staircase or following Nualau2018s gaze out across the docks and ships, where so much Belfast history was conceived. But for all the hype, there was the serious matter of the experts and participants coming together to tell the rest of the world about trauma, its causes effects, and especially the different ways that can be used to heal it.
And all of the delegates responded magnificently, rising to the challenge, firing in questions, and networking madly with each other.
So, how do we follow that? Where do we go from here? What more can we do to take the pain out of so many peopleu2019s lives?
WELLu2026u2026 We are working on it. Firstly, to launch the 2022 Trauma Summit. We will tell you more about that later and what we have planned. Then to launch our Action Trauma Network u2013 inviting you to join us and form one of the most professional and caring networks in the world, where we can swap information to improve the quality of other peopleu2019s lives.
And donu2019t forget about Young Hearts & Minds in October u2013 more about that later too.
Finally, remember that to help others, you must look after and care about yourself u2013 first.