Speaker Profile
Research, Policy, Advocacy and Legal Consultant

Jane has recently worked as a Research, Policy, Advocacy and Legal Consultant, having completed her PhD in Law at UCC on the topic of “Connected Corrections and Corrected Connections: Post-release Supervision of Long Sentence Male Prisoners” in December 2019. This research was co-funded by the Irish Research Council and the Probation Service under the employment based PhD scheme. During her PhD, Jane made many submissions on matters related to crime and penal policy including on the development of a criminal justice strategy, the draft youth justice strategy and the Joint Oireachtas Committee’s work on sentencing and penal reform. She also took the initiative to organise events aimed at raising public and political awareness of the connectedness of seemingly disconnected social and policy issues (such as maternity services, early years supports, housing, education, social welfare, etc) and the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on brain structure and function, health and behaviour, including addiction and criminality.