Neurodiversity Networking

Neurodiversity: Awareness, Knowledge & Strategies from a Trauma Informed Lens
This event provided attendees with a better understanding and acceptance of Neurodiversity. Rebecca discussed the common misconceptions and myths surrounding Neurodiversity, in particular Autism and ADHD. Nicki helped us develop a better understanding of retained primitive reflexes and their links to trauma recovery.
During this webinar we looked at ways in which we can adapt, change and support in situations to create opportunities for neurodiverse individuals to flourish, whatever the environment.
We explored why people don’t always progress, as expected, when primitive reflexes are retained, and how they can act as a block. When looking at trauma and trauma recovery, the primitive fear reflexes are particularly influential, as they will create a sense of being unsafe in the world.
Primitive reflexes are movement patterns that develop in utero and allow the development of the central nervous system and then they should integrate into the brain stem and lie dormant. They are responsible for many physical, mental and emotional functions so when they are retained in the system they can create many functional issues. When looking at trauma and trauma recovery, the primitive fear reflexes are particularly influential, as they will create a sense of being unsafe in the world.