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Unique Internal Maps from Birth

11th September 2024

10am - 11am (BST)


FREE for Network Members


Mark Harris, a distinguished midwife trainer, author, and advocate for birthing awareness, addresses the often-overlooked aspect of birth trauma that affects countless women and their partners. With a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years and a background as one of the UK’s pioneering male midwives, Harris has become a leading voice in promoting a gentler approach to childbirth. In this webinar Mark will explain how humans create internal simulations of the world we live in and how we create unique internal maps, which we use consciously and mainly unconsciously, to live our lives day to day. This leads to their presumption that ‘trauma’ like ‘beauty’ is in the eye of the beholder. With specific drawing of information on Birthing Awareness. Indeed, humans are remarkable meaning-making machines. Our minds constantly construct internal simulations of the world around us, drawing upon our experiences, perceptions, beliefs, and emotions to create unique internal maps of reality. These maps help us navigate and make sense of the complexities of life, guiding our thoughts, actions, and decisions on a day-to-day basis

Who Should Attend?​

Educators, therapists, NHS staff and anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of birthing awareness.

Benefits Of Attending

• Learn how internal maps shape our perceptions of events. • Understand that trauma and beauty are subjective experiences that underscore the importance of empathy. • Deepen your understanding of how what may seem trivial, or insignificant to one person, could be profoundly meaningful or distressing to another. • Recognise the power of internal maps in shaping perceptions which allows us to approach life with greater awareness and compassion. • Discover the rich tapestry of human existence and the diverse ways in which we make meaning of the world around us.


• Introductions • Main Talk 10am - 10.45am (BST) • Q&A Session 10.45am - 11am (BST) • Event Close 11am (BST)


Mark Harris

Mark Harris

I work as a Midwife offering birth education through the Birthing4Blokes programme (@Birthing4Blokes). I love being around people, always have as long as I can...

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