Online Event
Trauma Healing on The Spiritual Path - Efu Nyaki

1st April 2025
12pm (GMT)
FREE for Network Members
When real, physical threats arise, human instincts take over and can create extraordinary feats of focused attention and action.
This workshop will help you to understand the relationship between trauma healing and various spiritual states. Discover how to work with altered states in dealing with the residue of deep trauma.The “awe-full” qualities of horror and terror we can experience at such times share essential roots with profoundly transformative states such as flow, awe, presence, timelessness, and ecstasy as they reach far beyond the limiting mind. The bridging of these states with everyday awareness can be a key feature of spiritual growth and expansion. As we bring awareness to our wounds and gradually access and integrate this energy into our nervous system and psychic structures, we begin to experience greater freedom, expansion and connection to our true self. As we integrate those wounds, the instinctual survival response embedded within trauma can catalyse authentic spiritual transformation.
Who Should Attend?
- Pychotherapists, counsellors, somatic therapists, and anyone working in the field of mental health - Spiritual Seekers and Individuals on a Personal Growth Journey - People Interested in Integrating Mind-Body Healing Practices - Anyone Interested in Understanding the Nervous System and Healing - Trauma Survivors and Seekers of Healing
Benefits Of Attending
1. Deepen Your Understanding of Trauma Healing The webinar will help you understand the complex relationship between trauma and spiritual states, offering insights into how deep trauma can impact not just the mind, but also the body and spirit. You'll learn how to work with trauma in ways that facilitate true healing and growth. 2. Explore the Power of Altered States You will explore how altered states of consciousness—such as those experienced in awe, presence, and flow—can be harnessed to heal emotional and psychological wounds. These states, often triggered by traumatic events, hold transformative potential that you can tap into for personal growth. 3. Integrate Trauma for Spiritual Transformation The workshop will provide practical tools for integrating the emotional residue of trauma, facilitating both physical and spiritual healing. By bringing awareness to your wounds, you can gradually release the trauma stored in your body, leading to a more authentic and expanded sense of self. 4. Learn from an Experienced Practitioner Efu Nyaki's extensive background in Somatic Experiencing® and Family Constellation System Therapy brings a wealth of practical knowledge to the session. Her experience of over 27 years, including work in diverse international contexts, allows her to offer insights that are grounded in both theory and real-world application. 5. Access Holistic Approaches to Healing The webinar will draw from a range of holistic methods, offering a broader view of healing that extends beyond traditional therapies. Efu’s work incorporates both scientific and spiritual practices, providing a balanced approach to trauma recovery that can help you tap into your innate healing abilities.
• Main Talk 12pm - 12.45pm (GMT) • Q&A Session 12.45pm - 1pm (GMT) • Event Close 1pm (GMT)
How Can I Attend?
This webinar is available to Action Trauma Network members only, if you are not a member, we have a 30day free trial available below.
Members -
* Log in on the date of the event
* Navigate to this event page
* Scroll to the bottom of the page
* The Zoom link will be visible for 24 hours prior to the start time.

Efu Joseph Nyaki
Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki was born and raised in Tanzania where she earned a bachelor of science degree, trained as a Science teacher, and later on was trained as a healer using holistic methods. Efu is a Faculty Member of Somatic Experiencing®, and a Professor of Family Constellation System Therapy by Hellinger Institute. In the last 27 years Efu has been living in Brazil facilitating trainings and therapy for trauma healing using Somatic Experiencing® and Family Constellation System Therapy( Generational trauma healing). While living in Brazil, Efu has also been travelling in different countries such as India, Egypt, South Korea, China, Bolivia, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Tanzania, Philippines, and Hong Kong facilitating trainings and workshops on different kinds of trauma healing. Due to Pandemic situation, Efu has been giving international trainings, workshops and individual therapy sessions online. Efu is a co- founder of AFYA: Holistic Healing Center located in the northeast of Brazil. Afya supports many people from the local community as well as national and international individuals that approaches the center in order to receive support in healing, using different types of natural and holistic healing methodologies.
The Zoom link will be shown here to
members only on 1st April 2025 at 12pm
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