Kati Taunt

Kati Taunt


    Kati Taunt is a Clinical Social Worker, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Systemic Practitioner, EMDR and Trauma Therapist, consultant and trainer. She has  25 years of experience working in specialist CAMHS, a children’s trauma charity, multi-agency provision for children and families with complex trauma, private practice, youth work and local authority residential child and adolescent provision.

    As the only Europe based licenced ARC trainer  (Attachment, Regulation and Competency, see www.arcframework.org) she has been working to introduce trauma-informed practice into; schools, residential care, foster care, youth justice services, adolescent psychiatric in patient services, charities, secure units, police liaison teams, CAMHS, youth drug and alcohol teams (in patient and community) disability services, early help teams and specialist adolescent teams within social care in locations throughout the UK and Europe for the past 12 years.


    10:30 am - 11:15 am

    Workshop Two - Kati Taunt & Panelists: Nichola Green, Mark Maidens, Sophie Mulvana - The Driving and Restraining forces relating to the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Practice in a variety of settings using the ARC Framework

    This workshop will provide an overview of the well respected and evidence-based approach to working with developmental trauma that is the ARC Framework (Attachment, Regulation and Competence). A panel of experienced professionals from 3 different contexts (adolescent psychiatric in-patient services, specialist education provision for primary aged children and social care secure unit) will share their reasons for choosing to become trauma-informed, what drew them to the ARC framework. The panel will also share their experiences of the  driving forces to implementation and restraining forces within their contexts and wider systems that needed to be undone to enable this.
    Learning Outcomes:
    1. Will have an understanding of The ARC framework and how it supports children and families to get back on track and integrate their experiences of trauma.
    2. Will have gained insight as to how the model can be adapted for a variety of educational, social care and health settings.
    3. Will have been able to understand the nature of driving and restraining forces in relation to implementing Trauma-Informed Practice in a variety of settings
    4. Will have knowledge of how some restraining forces can be undone.