Kate McAlpine

Kate McAlpine

    Kate is a trauma and addiction informed yoga instructor, breathwork teacher and sound therapist. She has enjoyed helping her local community achieve a higher level of mental and physical well-being in the last 4 years by sharing her personal practice of somatic movement, transformational breathwork and a wide range of guided meditations.

    9:30 am - 10:30 am

    Workshop One - Kate McAlpine Trauma Informed Yoga and Gong Bath

    Ground your awareness into the body using somatic movement and conscious breath work, tapping into elevated emotions and rejuvenating the mind and body.
    Kate will be highlighting the importance of the quality of our thoughts. Learn how to manage the mind and stimulate the release of feel good hormones to raise your vibration, amplify your energetic field and boost your immune function.
    The practice will help shed the stories that hold us back. Releasing what does not serve,  letting go of what is no longer helpful, reminding us how we have the power to change how we feel.
    Finishing with a gong bath relaxation.

    9:30 am - 10:30 am

    Workshop One - Kate McAlpine Trauma Informed Yoga

    How to feel safe in the body, let go of fear and manage anxiety, using posture and breath work. Recognise the places tension is held unnecessarily and find new ways being by managing the stress response.
    Kate will be highlighting the mechanisms in the body that are responsible for communicating safety or lack thereof to the brain.
    She will be teaching a range of yogic and somatic practices which enable the safe release of stored tension and manage the  fight flight response, resorting equilibrium to body, mind and spirit.