Deb Dana

Deb Dana


    Deb Dana, LCSW is a clinician, consultant, and author who lectures internationally on ways in which Polyvagal Theory informs work with trauma survivors.

    She is a founding member of the Polyvagal Institute, consultant to Khiron Clinics and advisor to Unyte – and developer of the signature Rhythm of Regulation Clinical Training Series. Deb is well known for translating Polyvagal Theory into a language and application that is both understandable and accessible – for clinicians and curious people alike.  Her publications include The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation (Norton, 2018); Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centered Practices (Norton, 2020); and Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory (Sounds True, 2021).

    3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

    Presentation Five with Q&A - Deb Dana - Coming Home to Regulation: A Polyvagal Perspective on Healing our Polarized World

    The autonomic nervous system is at the heart of our lived experience.  What begins with our biology leads to the behaviors and beliefs that shape our days. Anchored in the safety of a regulated nervous system, pathways of connection come alive and we can travel those pathways in service of healing. Guided by Polyvagal Theory we can find our way home to regulation and engage the power of the nervous system to hold ourselves and others in care and compassion. Explore the qualities of autonomic regulation and discover how we can heal the world one nervous system at a time.
    Learning Outcomes:
    1.Develop an understanding of how the autonomic nervous system shapes behaviors and beliefs
    2.Assess your autonomic profile Categorize the distinct stories that emerge from autonomic states
    3.Utilize micro-moments to resource regulation