Speaker Profile
Co-founder of AFYA: Holistic Healing Centre, Professor, Speaker
Efu Nyaki was born in Tanzania where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree, trained as a Science teacher, and later on was trained as a healer using holistic methods. Efu is a Faculty Member of Somatic Experiencing®, and a Professor of Family Constellation System Therapy by Hellinger Institute. Efu is a co-founder of AFYA: Holistic Healing Center located in the northeast of Brazil.
Afya supports many people from the local community as well as national and international individuals that approaches the center in order to receive support in healing, using different types of natural and holistic healing methodologies. Efu Nyaki specializes in shock trauma, natural disasters, trans-generational trauma, emotional, developmental, and social traumas. Her SE practice is based in north-eastern Brazil. She teaches SE throughout Brazil and has offered her SE skills in Haiti, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Egypt, India, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, China, and Spain.
Afya supports many people from the local community as well as national and international individuals that approaches the center in order to receive support in healing, using different types of natural and holistic healing methodologies. Efu Nyaki specializes in shock trauma, natural disasters, trans-generational trauma, emotional, developmental, and social traumas. Her SE practice is based in north-eastern Brazil. She teaches SE throughout Brazil and has offered her SE skills in Haiti, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Egypt, India, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, China, and Spain.